Search engines | |
Worldwide fulltext and directory | |
Vivisimo | Worldwide clustering fulltext |
Morfeo | Czech fulltext |
Centrum | Czech directory |
Jyxo | Czech fulltext with interface to other engines |
Czech transport lookup | | | Searching in train and bus lines timetables in Czech Republic (in Czech here) |
Prague Transit co. | Prague public transit overview (in Czech here) |
Connection in Prague | Search in Prague public transit (in Czech here) |
Fun | |
Garfield archive | Browsable archive of all Garfield comic strips (link to the very beginning) | | Cathegorized jokes archive in Czech | | Quote database |
Programming contests | |
ACM ICPC | International programming contest |
MFF | Local programming contest training seminar |
UVA | University of Valladolid Online Judge |
ZJU | Zhejiang University Online Judge |
Puzzles and problems | |
Petr Kovar | Mathematical puzzles in Czech |
John Rausch | Big collection of mechanical puzzles documented online |
Math Puzzle | Less seriously about mathematics |
Dictionaries | |
Dictionaries at Google | Entry in Google directory | | Bi-directional English Czech dictionary, simple English interface, without Czech diacritical marks |
Langsoft Dictionary | Bi-directional Czech to more languages, with Czech interface & compulsory diacritics, possibly entered also without Czech keyboard layout via special character sequences (see "Zastupne znaky" on the page) |
WinGED 2000 | Bi-directional Czech to more languages, Czech interface, optional diacritics, spell checker |
Programming | |
Builder | General programming articles in Czech, discussion groups, info directory |
Reboot | Programming and computer related news in Czech |
Code box | Programming, tutorials, news | | PHP news, mirror of |
InformIT | IT related articles |
Interval | Web design and programming in Czech |
Linux and security | |
Root | Linux and computers news in Czech |
Underground | Linux and security topics in Czech |
Penguin | Unix & Linux, in Czech |
Black Hole | Security, news & programming, in Slovak | | Czech Linux news and main starting point |
Misc | |
Current local time in Prague | Also other info about the Czech republic. |
World of Escher | Graphics works of Maurits Cornelis Escher |
Chema Madoz | Photographs |
Planet Perplex | All kinds of optical illusions |
Fractals | Great collection of fractals of various kinds |
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by Petr Zika © 2025